Antenne Kaernten
Antenne Kaernten
Other radiostations / Austria
Misc, ,
Radio Arabella 4 Kids
Classic Rock, Rock,
Radio Austria – Best of Rock
Dance, Disco, Pop
Radio Arabella Party
Hits, ,
Bitter Sweet Music AT
Culture, News, Talk
Radio Freirad
, ,
KroneHit 105.8
Dance, ,
Kronehit Dance
Latin, Pop,
Antenne Latin Pop
Folk, Hits,
Blasmusik Pur
Hits, Pop,
Radio Hot 100
Variety, ,
Freies Radio
House, Techno,
Krennerland Radio
Chillout, Lounge,
Lounge FM UKW OÖ
Folk, Pop,
Radio Dijaspora
House, Pop, Rock
Radio Onepointone
, ,
KroneHit Best of 2017
Rap, Urban,
Fat Boy Radio
Classic Rock, Variety,
Music, ,
Moj Radio Austria
Music, Information, National
ORF - Radio Steiermark
, ,
Antenne Vorarlberg Fresh
, ,
Welle 1 Digital
Adult Contemporary, ,
Radio Murztal
Dance, DJ, House
DJ School Section FM
Rock, Classic Rock, Hard Rock
Rock Antenne Österreich
Rock, ,
Korna FM
News, Pop, Rock
Antenne Salzburg
Hits, Music, Pop
Radio Balkan EU
Hip Hop, ,
Kronehit Black
70s, Classic Hits,
Arabella 70er
00s, Dance, Pop
Antenne Vorarlberg 2000er Hits
70s, 80s, Classic Hits
Macjingle Classic Hits
Pop, Rock,
Radio Head
Metal, Rock,
Hip Hop, ,
KroneHit German Hip Hop
Local Music, Pop,
Radio Arabella Austropop
Dance, Pop, Rock
Antenne Verrückte Stunde
Hits, Pop, Rock
Life Radio Top 500
Music, Information, Talk
ORF - Radio Niederösterreich
Pop, Top 40,
Kronehit Ultra HD
90s, ,
Njoy Radio Austria
Pop, ,
Antenne Überdosis Gfühl
Local Music, ,
Bohmisch Mahrische Blasmusik
Blues, Metal, Rock
Insane Rock Station
Dance, Hits, Pop
Antenne Vorarlberg PLUS Neue Hits
Alternative, Indie, Rock
Radio Suigen
Local Music, ,
Radio Austria – Best of Hüttengaudi
Music, ,
Disco, Electronic, Rock
Drum and Bass FM
, ,
Radio Slatka Tajna
Ethnic, Folk, Pop
Radio Sladi
Indie, ,
Indie and More
Hits, ,
Hits, Music,
88.6 Classic Rock
Jazz, ,
Radio Technikum Smooth Jazz
, ,
KroneHit Girlpower
House, ,
Kronehit House and Remix
Community, Culture,
ORF - Hitradio Ö3
, ,
ERF Plus Osterreich
Hits, ,
Easy Grooves Radio